Tuesday, February 14, 2012

More fun!

Hello from very chilly DC!
This past week has been a whirlwind of amazing experiences. Work continues to be very busy, but that is the way I like it. We are still in the process of endorsing women candidates which creates a lot of work for me, but my day goes by so quickly. Classes last week were also fantastic. Thursday night I went to a reception for a newly elected Congresswoman. I met a lot of fantastic people and had great food! After leaving the reception, we had tickets to the theatre. We saw a play entitled "Time Stands Still." It was a heart-wrenching drama, but I sincerely enjoyed it. We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to see such wonderful works of art...for free!

The weekend was probably my favorite weekend thus far. Friday evening we had a housemate dinner then ventured to the pub next door. Union Pub has grown to become one of our very favorite places in the city. :) Saturday, my housemate, Tricia, and I spent Saturday at the Newseum. There was so much information, we couldn't possibly tackle in one day! It also snowed on Saturday which is always a treat...sortof. We were exhausted by Saturday evening, but didn't want to miss an opportunity to explore the city! We ventured to 18th Street Lounge. A lounge only known by locals (my boss let me in on this well-kept secret). They don't advertise and there is no sign on the door, or anywhere for that matter. What an incredible spot! We will definitely visit again soon!

Sunday was spent writing a paper for class and preparing for another work week!

Yesterday (Monday) and today were so exciting at the office. NWPC president, Linda Young, was in town. She is a 5'0 southern firecracker of a woman. Loved her! She let me spend the day with her...traveling around the city, shaking important hands, eating nice lunches. It was an INCREDIBLE experience.

The rest of the week should be sufficiently exhausting! Can't wait for the weekend, but time is passing so quickly this semester...maybe I want the weeks to slow down!

Love across the miles! :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Catching Up!

Wow!! Please forgive me for not staying up to date on this blog. It has been two weeks since my last blog, but it feels like it has maybe been two days!

So let's go back to the week of the 23rd. This was the week we started classes. That really changed all of our schedules. We have class twice a week most weeks and three times every other week. On Tuesday we started our "Debating Washington Issues." The class is taught by two lawyers that went to Yale. They are actually married and are an awesome DC power couple. Of course, I LOVE learning from them and am really enjoying the class. After class that Tuesday, we had a SOTU party at the house. It was such a unique experience to watch the SOTU in the house. There were 15 people with 15 very different but educated opinions. It was a great experience! The rest of the week was a typical work week with our theatre class on Thursday. Some of the the theatre classes will be actual classes while some will actually be at the theatre. Although this isn't an area I thought I was interested in, the class really drew me in!

Once it was finally Friday our roommates planned a fun filled weekend. We spent the days relaxing, finding great brunch spots, and hanging out together. We spent the nights exploring new spots in the DC area. This town is certainly never boring!!!
This past week was incredibly exciting! My job never ceases to be exciting and fulfilling. I am so blessed to have a boss that has taken a personal interest in me. She shows me great places in the city and makes the office environment so enjoyable. I have gotten to meet some AMAZING women! It is so nice to be around super intelligent, highly motivated women all day! They also take me to lots of lunch meetings...which is a major plus! :)

My Tuesday class was very interesting. We spent our class talking about public speaking and oral advocacy, certainly a skill that we aspiring politicians can use! Thursday's class was SO much fun! As our "assignment" we went to see Hairspray! The performance was incredible and everyone had a blast. The play was in Arlington, VA so getting there was fun in itself. We metroed, cabbed, bussed, and even got a little lost. We didn't get home until after midnight, so Friday was a drag at work. Below is a picture of our group at theatre!

This weekend my Maybre came to visit! It was the first time I'd seen her since I left and we had so much fun! She and my friend Pete came to spend some time with me here. They both loved the city! I wish the weekend would have never ended. I miss my Maybre WAY too much! Luckily, she is coming back in March! Below is a picture of us at a great spot in Chinatown called Clydes!

Today was a long day at work! I think I was still tired from the weekend, but because I love my boss/job/office, I made it through just fine!!!

I promise not to let it be 2 more weeks before I blog again!

All my love!