Thursday, January 19, 2012

3 days in....

Hi again everybody!
I feel like so much has happened since Tuesday morning! My first few days of work have been incredible! This is my first experience at a 9-5 desk job, so it is certainly different than what I am used to, but I find myself smiling all during the day.

Though I can't share specific details of my job, I can tell you a bit about my internship. I get to spend the first hour of my day drinking coffee and catching up on the news of the morning and the evening before. My supervisor stresses the importance of being up to date on all news since I am working in a climate that is politics, politics, politics! I love this part of my day! It is a nice transition from sleepy morning metro rides to the hype of the work day!

Other than that, I spend my days putting together newsletters and email blasts to go out to members of NWPC. I even got to write my own "Intern Spotlight" for my upcoming feature in the newsletter! :)

My main duty for now is to identify women running for office in 2012, contact their campaigns, and get them the appropriate materials for potential NWPC endorsement! I keep a running list of our currently endorsed candidates and track their campaigns!

Alongside of that, I do basic secretarial work, answering phones, taking messages, taking notes on conference calls, etc.


I have nothing else too exciting to share! I've been exhausted after getting home so I haven't done too much else.

Last night was a meet and greet with Washington Semester Program Alum. They say that a large percentage of students that come through this program end up back in DC. A few of the alum were lawyers, a few were staffers on the Hill, and a few worked in careers completely separate from politics! It was so exciting to see where their careers headed after their semester in Washington! They all said it was their best semester and that it was a life-changing experience!

I've also started practicing yoga again with a few housemates! Its an amazing way to unwind after work and stretch after being in a chair all day!

I am SO excited for the weekend! I need to get my nails done, go grocery shopping, sleep, and have a bit of fun!

Goodnight everyone! Sleep sweet!

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