Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Night Before

Hi everyone-
Just to briefly introduce myself-
I am a student at the College of Charleston studying Political Science and Women's and Gender Studies. I am preparing to embark on quite the exciting adventure. Tomorrow morning at 6am, I am heading to the nation's capitol. Yep, Washington, DC...a rather large city for a girl from South Carolina!

My internship will be with the National Women's Political Caucus. I will be a Political Planning and Action intern. Though I am not certain of all of my responsibilities, I am sure that it will be a challenging and rewarding experience. I could not be more excited, but no lie, the nerves are kicking in! Mostly, I am concerned about the freezing weather among a few other things.

I've got to go continue the late-night, last-minute packing job that is causing a great deal of stress to my mother, but I will update tomorrow upon my arrival.


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