Monday, January 23, 2012

My First Weekend of Flurries!

Hi again!
Friday was a great day at work! My boss was actually out of the office all day, so I held the fort down like the young professional I am trying to be! :)
I was EXHAUSTED after a week of work, but the housemates had made big plans for the weekend! We spent Friday night at Dupont Circle at one of my favorites spots-Mad Hatter! To make the night even more memorable it was snowing! I've never been out and about during the snow and it was quite an experience! Only one housemate took a tumble due to the
weather and it wasn't me! I was SO proud of myself! Below is me just hanging out in the snow-like a champ!
It pretty much flurried all weekend, and I loved it. The stairs in front of my house are quite the challenge and it takes me a good five minutes to get down all four of them. :)

Saturday morning, one of my housemates and I went to brunch at a great little spot called Beach Bar and Grill. They had a delicious brunch buffet!
On Saturday afternoon, a CofC friend came to visit. He was in his hometown of Richmond before he departs on his semester adventure to Amsterdam! We bundled up and explored the city, once again in the snow! The things I get to see on a daily basis are postcard worthy! This city looks just beautiful dusted in snow!

Saturday night we spent a bit more time celebrating the birthday of one of the housemates. We had a blast!

Sunday we cleaned up the house--it doesn't take too long to make a disaster of this place with 15 of us here. I did my laundry, cleaned my room, and prepared for the week.

It is an exciting week here in the house! We start class this week. Tuesday nights are "Debating Issues in Washington" classes while Thursdays are "Theatre in Washington, DC." We are all hardly adjusted to the 9-5 day schedule so it will certainly be interested to add a 7-9pm commitment on top of that! I think we are all excited though!

Tomorrow is the State of the Union address. We are having pizza and watching it all together. A presidential party if you will!

We have an assignment due on Friday so I am off to do that! Love and miss you all!

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