Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hi again!
What a weekend! Today is my first official night with no family in DC! Scary, but I can honestly say that I am feeling at home! My internship starts just a week from tomorrow, and I cannot wait. My weekend was split between moving in, having fun with the family, and getting to know my 14 new housemates. The move in went smoothly. I have one roommate in a fairly large dorm-style room (now I just have to keep it organized and tidy)! My mom, my aunt, my uncle, and I spent our time driving through neighborhoods, finding great new restaurants, and familiarizing ourselves with my neighborhood.

Speaking of my neighborhood--it couldn't get any better! I have a new
favorite bagel shop just across the street called "Bagels and Baguettes!" Also, the pub next door, Union Pub, is an amazing hangout that we have already frequented! Although I was apprehensive to say goodbye to my family (yes, I did shed a few tears), I am adjusting quite nicely, and I know that this time will just fly by!
My housemates are all fantastic. It is so refreshing to be around 14 politically-motivated students from South Carolina. There is never a dull moment. From debating politics to grocery shopping to watching The Kardashians-we have all certainly bonded over the last couple of days.

Tomorrow begins orientation for my program (The South Carolina Honors Washington Semester Program). Our session commences at 10am, so we are all trying to be asleep by midnight.

The pictures you see are of my neighborhood as well as me in front of my place of work (The National Women's Political Caucus!)
I can't wait to share more about the classes I will be taking and tomorrow's adventures!


1 comment:

  1. Yeahhhh! Love it already!! How in tune of you to notice the Presidental goodies just in boy colors!!
    Love the read, and keep up the good work!
